Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Money is the most important thing in this world to people and without money there would be nothing in this world. People will do anything to get money and that includes killing people or beating them up until they get enough money. People are robbed everyday by people just wanting money so they can bye things. Money makes the world go round. Even the government want tons of money and they take our money and use it for thing that we dont want it to be used for but since its the government we cant do anything but watch as our money is used and taken from us. Money is used for basicly everything whether it goes from bying food or water or just being able to go out and eat or do anything.
        People just cant get enough of money whether they have millions the still want more, people will do anything just to have the satisfaction of having alot of money or if they have alot of money they want the satisfaction of having alot more or millions more just to feel like an upperclassman and be able to use as much money as they can and bye almost everything that they want or whatever they want. I feel like having alot of money would be great and being able to do what you want and be able to bye what you want or to have everything you want.

1 comment:

  1. It ain't the most important thing in the world to ME. (Or I sure as hell wouldn't be a teacher.)

    Your second paragraph is interesting. You start by saying that people can never get enough money...then you say you want to have a bunch so you can have everything you want. Isn't that a contradiction?
