Friday, October 21, 2011


Sleep to me is the most relaxing thing ever. To me Sleeping makes everything better. When your stressed usually sleep can help you forget about things or just relax and think of other things.Sleep makes me feel good and when i wake up i feel refreshed and ready for whats next. Usualy when i havent got enough sleep i tend to fall asleep in class or right when i get home from school. Sometimes i just dont get enough sleep and i just feel like doing nothing besides sleep. To me if i dont get enough sleep i can be pissed off very easily and im usualy not in a good mood because i didnt get enough sleep.
           I think everybody needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day because then i feel people dont get enough sleep and it can effect them during the day whether their just to tierd to do things or dont have the energy to do what they want to do and i know if i dont get enough sleep all i feel like doing is sleeping or just relaxing. One thing i dont get is how people can stay up really late then wake up early the next morning. I cant to that at all because if i wake up really early all im going to want to do is sleep the whole time.

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