Friday, October 21, 2011

Response post to trevor bergman
I don't no what I will be- I found this quote in Trevor Bregmans blog and the one thing about halloween is trying to figure out what you want to be and there is a wide veriety of things you can be. Halloween is most famous for you being able to dress up in a costume and be able to go around knocking on peoples doors and getting free candy. Getting free candy is the main reason people do things on halloween and if you didnt get free candy i dont think alot of people would still celebrate halloween. Going around a getting free candy sounds like its one of the best things to do ever and thats why people still do it and tats why people will continue to do it for as long as they can. 
       It doesnt really matter how old your are because there is no age limit to halloween and sometimes ill see dads dressed up for fun but mostly its for the little kids because to the little kids its a lot more fun to them then it is to us. Every year people find new costumes to dress up in and one of the most fun things to do is to find a new costume whether you want it to be scary looking or funny looking or just plain you can do whatever you want to do. I would half to say one of the biggest things about halloween is finding out who got the most candy out of all the people you went with and who got the best candies. To me i always wanted the most candy and the best ones too so i would trade people and we would count them up to see who got the most.

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