Monday, October 24, 2011

debris from the japan tsunami

        On this current events post i decided to talk about debris from the japan tsunami heading towards the U.S from the current of the ocean. This Tsunami killed alot of people and devistated the world when we heard of it and it was one of the biggest natural disasters in U.S history. This tsunami killed many people in japan and destroyed many houses and buildings in japan and mostly destroyed farm lands. And now almost a year later debris is still out on the ocean reminding us of what happened a couple months ago. Boats,wood,rope, and tops of houses are showing up in the water that ships are finding and photographing.
      People in japan are still trying to fix what the tsunami destroyed and are still heavily effected by what happened espically about the nucleur  plant and how the tsunami almost caused an even bigger disaster. But luckly they were able to fix the nucleur plant and good thing that they did because if they didnt a lot of things could have went wrong and could of killed many people in the area and maybe all over the world.many things have been efected from the tsunami like car dealerships and sushi and other things but japan is working hard to get all of that stuff fixed and soon everything should go back to normal or at least i hope it does. An my prayers go out to all of the famailies that lost loved ones and houses n the tsunami and i hope everything get better snd their able to fix what happened a few months ago.

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