Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve jobs advice

        I agree with steve jobs advice because hes right about saying to live everyday likes its your last that you should know that sooner or later your gonna die. He also says that if you dont live life like that that you will just fall into the face of death and i agree because if you dont live everyday like its your last then your going to fall into the face of death and i think he is completely right because to be a live is a gift and use this gift everyday because just think about how it would be if you were never born. He also says to always follow your heart and i think thats a great point on what your heart tells you to do then do it.
      You should also follow Steve Jobs beacuse he lived everyday like he was going to die the next and he followed his heart and didnt care if he embarssesd himself or anything else and thats what made him so good at what he did, he made things he dreamed of come true by just following his heart to tell him whether to do it or not. He didnt care if he messed up on anything because he knew he could just move on to te next thing and thats what he did and what he did gave us most of the tools we use today to help us or just to entertain us, the world wouldn be the same if he didnt do what he did and thats why hes such an important person in the world.
      Steve Jobs did great things in our world and he will be missed but i think people should live everyday like Steve Jobs and how he lived his life he thrived to succeed in life and it worked for him so why wouldnt work for anyone else. everybody encounters big decisions in life and when he faced those big decisions he had no fear because he already knew what he was going to do so he was prepared and ready whether it made him look like a fool or made him look great.
    Steve jobs was great at what he did and thats why we have ipods,ipads,and iphones today thing that we use in our everyday life just from him doing what he had to do and followed his heart and it took him in the right direction and thats why we are so advanced to day was because of him and without him i dont know where we would be today. He will always be remembered and missed.

R.I.P Steve Jobs

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