Friday, September 30, 2011

what makes us human?

There are alot of characteristics that humans have and everybody is diffarent in many ways whether it comes to people from the United States or just people all around the world. Every human is diffarent in a way no one is the same person and that is one of the best characteristics about being human. Humans also think diffarently and make seperate decisions like whether to be Christian or Buddhist or to worship a religion or to not bieleve in one and thats being atheist. There are many people in the world and everyone knows something the other one doesnt know whether they know how to speak another language or their fluent in alot of diffarent languages. Many people speak diffarent languages like japanese, chinese, english and many more and some even languages we've never even heard of before in our entirely life and probably wont ever again. What makes us human is the way people decide how their going to live or what job they want to get. Everybody has a diffarent idea on how they want to live their life and how their going to make a living or if they want a family to provide for and get married. People half to make important decisions everyday on what they want to do in the future or what they want to do as they get older and what age do they want to settle down and retire.
         Aniother thing that makes people human is by the decisions they want to make to choose whether to brake laws or go by them and raise a family. People who break laws choose to live a life of shame or try to make money by doing illigal thing like robbing houses or selling drugs. Others who choose to obey these laws and live by them usually live a good life and usually dont have alot of things to worry about like hiding from the cops and to live in a nice enviornment and try to set an example for younger kids. Other things that make us human is fighting. Us humans are violent and choose to fight wars over land and try to seek out more power all the time and will do anything to get it whether it comes to killing many people or killing inocent civilians just to have more power or more land. We fight with other countries over things that we dont really half to fight about and start wars between each other instead of making peace with all of the other countries and live in harmony, but in our world today in my opinion i dont think that will happen anytime soon. Everybody is human nobody isnt were not animals or savages were just human and us being human things can go very wrong but things can also go very right, there are classes of our race and that goes from popular people like actors and sports players or just million airs to middle class people that have decent homes and are walthy in some ways but then it goes to lower class people that dont have that much and can barely afford thing just so they can get by and the class after that are poeple that dont have any money left and arent able to supply themselves by doing things their not supposed to do or by just not learning from their mistakes in life and just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again throughout life.
In conclusion everybody is human and there are many things that makes us human by the way we talk or walk or act and by which rules we go by whether we choose to brake those rules and be chased by authority or to live by those rules and start something so they can live a normal life and maybe raise a family and set by example. We are all diffarent in one way or another and we all act diffarently and have diffarent personalities and thats what makes us human in many ways. We will all fight and we will make up and we will try to conquer land and half to kill other people to be able to do that but that is what makes us humans and that is how its always going to be as long as we live on this earth and choose to make a wide spread of decisions in life and that is what makes us all human in many diffarent ways.


  1. All true! I like the decision-making idea; there's only a few other people who mentioned that.

  2. Before we go anywhere else, we have to talk about run-on sentences. This is the number-one thing I'd like you to work on in your writing at the moment. Here is an example:

    "Everybody is human nobody isnt were not animals or savages were just human and us being human things can go very wrong but things can also go very right, there are classes of our race and that goes from popular people like actors and sports players or just million airs to middle class people that have decent homes and are walthy in some ways but then it goes to lower class people that dont have that much and can barely afford thing just so they can get by and the class after that are poeple that dont have any money left and arent able to supply themselves by doing things their not supposed to do or by just not learning from their mistakes in life and just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again throughout life."

    This is quite a lot of sentences all strung together without punctuation...Sentences need to be much shorter and simpler than this. This example could be broken down like this:

    Everybody is human. We're not animals or savages were just human. Things can go very wrong but things can also go very right. There are classes of our race. That goes from popular people like actors and sports players or just million airs to middle class people that have decent homes and are walthy in some ways. But then it goes to lower class people that dont have that much and can barely afford thing just so they can get by. The class after that are poeple that dont have any money left and arent able to supply themselves by doing things their not supposed to do. They are not learning from their mistakes in life and just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again throughout life.

    (I also cut some words out...and I could have cut more.) See the difference? This is really important; getting sentences down to manageable chunks needs to be your number one priority in writing at the moment.

    The topics you bring up are fine and truly you've hit on some of the stuff that separates us from other creatures. But your message needs to be clearer, by trimming down the sentences and redundancy.
