Thursday, September 15, 2011

Highschool football star career ended at such short notice  

In this Current events post a highschool star Jacob Rainey  gets a horrific injury in a preseason game causing a part of his leg amputated. A juinor quarter back from Virginia a college prospect gets tackled from beihind in a preseason game and brakes his knee. He was rushed to the hospital and from his injury the doctors find out that he severed a main artery in his leg and was immediately taken to undergo severe surgery to stop any other injuries to his body. Doctors were faced to amputate one of his legs because of the severed artery and now is unable to play football ever again.
       A doctor said that he isnt the only football player that has faced a horrible accident like this and he probably wont be the last. But this just shows that your career in doing something you love and are really good at it can be ended with an injury that doesnt seem that bad at first but can go very wrong so do what you love for as long as you can and appreciate every moment your doing it.

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