Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A person looking for an object in the dark

There was a power outage in Alameda one late night and a kid named Adam was 10 at the time and it was his first blackout and he was a little bit scared. It was 12 in the morning and no one was home yet because his dad went to visit his grandma and his mom was working late.He was in the living room when the lights went out so the first thing he tried to do was go find his cell phone in his room so he can call his mom and ask what is going on.So When he got to his door he twisted the knob and it was cold from the metal and as he walked in it was pitch black he could not see one thing so e was going to half to use touch to be able to get to his phone so as he started to look around for it he first felt his bed that was cold and soft like no one had slept on it in days, another thing he felt was the lamp on his desk it was cold and hard and he remembered that when he got home from home he had put his phone on his desk so he has an idea where it is.
           He spent about 15 minutes trying to find his phone and he still couldnt find it so he had another idea to go into the kitchen and try to find a flash light or something that could help him find his phone. AS he made his way to the kitchen he used the wall as a guide to help him get to the kitchen and eventually he made it and the first thing he found was the fridge it was cold but slowly getting warmer since the power was out. Then as he w found the counter he heard a noise that came from the back yard he jumped and just starred at the door and as he looked at the handle it slowly started to turn as if everything started to move in slow motion and as it opened a gust of wind came in and a dark figure appeared in the door way Adam was scared and then the figure turned towards him and pointed a flash light at him and he then realized it was his mom coming home threw the back. He ran over and asked her what was going on and his mom said its just a blackout the power will come back on in a little bit and his mom went into a cabnet and pulled out a lantern where they sat at the table and just hung out until the power came back on. The power came back on about 20 minutes later and everything just went back to normal and Adam was able to tell his friends about his expierence when the power went out.

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