Tuesday, September 20, 2011

cell phones

If the world didn't have cell phones teens would be going crazy. Cellphones keep us up to date and allow us to contact people or have a conversation with them when were not any where near them. They also allow us to contact people in other states or countries. they allow us to contact family members to make sure were safe at any time and to contact the police or fire department in case of emergency at any time. cell phones allow teens to be able to plan things like when to hangout or it can also be used to set up dates with girls or be able to talk to your girlfriend or boyfriend when your not with them and want to talk to them.
        They also allow you to go on the internet when your not home and some get apps that can help you in everyday life like a Gps, or if you need to find a gas station they have apps that can locate the nearest gas station. Some also have the ability to have face time with people really far away. Phones also have the ability to let you watch TV shows when your not home or when you want to watch the game and your at work you have the ability to watch it instantly on your phone. they also allow you to play games when your bored or not doing anything important.

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