Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Response to thomas johnsons post about MW3

Tj I play Black ops with you alot and from all of your info on the newest game i think it will probably be one of the best games they have made through out all of the years they've been making games. Also i think they have one of the best guns in the game from all of the guns in previous games like Mw2 and Black ops. I cant wait unti lthe game comes out and when it does im going to try and be one of the first people to get it. although im still debating whether i should get it for Ps3 or xbox i will have the answer soon. It started from Cod 4 Mw and then to Mw2 and now Mw3 and if you have noticed the best games were made by activision and the not so great ones by trey arch. But this time i think activision will put trey arch in the dust with the newest call of duty.
      With a great story line in each of the games i think this one will be the best because of the continueing of Mw2 with the russians and alll of the special missions. I also will like to play spec ops again and play all of those missions. Another thing that should be cool about the game are the maps. with new maps they should be better but there will probably be ones we all hate and ones we all love just like always. also from all of the guns you have named they are bringing back the best from the diffarent games and making them look alot diffarent then before and hopefully some of the ones that were weak before they are musch stronger and accurate. Another thing is i hope they bring back quick scoping because that is one of the biggest reasons people play the games and why they are in love with them. i would also like to see what new map packs they come out with this time.

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