Friday, September 9, 2011

reflecting on what happened 10 years ago when it happened it put a big shock into our heads thinking what is going on. But coming up on sunday we all remember all of those people who were lost in the attack and those that were seriously injured. And we have a memorial remembering the event and how it happened. I think that 9/11 changed our world by security getting more strict and just how people will always remember it and will never forget it as long as they live.
      Ever since we were attacked we have been in the hnt for the leader of the terroists that had done this devistating thing to our country and we wont stop until he is found and penalized or killed. This incident will be remembered threw generarions and i dont think it will ever be forgotten in this world today. Kids in the future will open their text books for history and it will be remembered and they will have lessons and tests on what happened that day.

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