Tuesday, September 6, 2011

500 words introducing myself

Hello my name is Trevor Greenley and i like to do many thing like to play many sports like baseball and football and do some of the hobbies i do everyday with friends and family, i also like to try to go on as many adventures as i can like going to diffrent countries or just finding new places in Alameda to hangout at. Some of the things i like about playing baseball is hitting the ball as far as i can. Another thing i like about baseball is having the satisfaction of winning and making the other team know that my team is really good and wont quit until we get a win no matter what happens. One thing i love about football is putting on the hit stick and putting people on their backs. Another thing i like to do in football is put fear into the other players to make them scared to run the ball or catch the ball in the middle and just having me there for them to know im going to hit them ounce they get the ball. Some of my hobbies are hanging out with my friends and finding cool places to hangout that people wont really find. I also like to go hangout with friends on park street and walk around and see if we can find people we know that we could also hangout with. another hobbies is to get pick up games of football and baseball and just go play at the park until we get bored. An Adventure i'd like to go on is to travel around the world ending in Hawaii and relaxing on the beach.
            An adventure that i have gone on is going to japan and going around looking at some of the most important places in japan like a Buddhist temple and old castles that some of the leaders of japan had ounce used for their armies to defend japan and its people, and also ninja houses where ninja would hide out from the samurai and fight them off if they had to to give right to the people that were being treated unfairly. Some of my artistic endeavors are drawing graffiti and trying to draw thing that may look challenging but end up being easy and having the drawing come out better then it orignally looked or sometimes worse. My educational history isn't so good like in middle school and elementary school i liked to fool around and talk to my friends and not pay attention to the teacher also i wasn't good at studying or getting good grades on test espically math and science. Grade wise they haven't been as good as they could have been but right now that's a work in progress with starting off a new year. And this year i'm going to try to make it the best year i have ever had in school academic wise and sports wise.I think this year will be a better year for me because its a nice clean and fresh start and im going to try to make it a good year no matter what i half to do whether its a lot of homework or having to study when im tierd. these are 500 words that introduce myself.

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