Friday, September 30, 2011

what makes us human?

There are alot of characteristics that humans have and everybody is diffarent in many ways whether it comes to people from the United States or just people all around the world. Every human is diffarent in a way no one is the same person and that is one of the best characteristics about being human. Humans also think diffarently and make seperate decisions like whether to be Christian or Buddhist or to worship a religion or to not bieleve in one and thats being atheist. There are many people in the world and everyone knows something the other one doesnt know whether they know how to speak another language or their fluent in alot of diffarent languages. Many people speak diffarent languages like japanese, chinese, english and many more and some even languages we've never even heard of before in our entirely life and probably wont ever again. What makes us human is the way people decide how their going to live or what job they want to get. Everybody has a diffarent idea on how they want to live their life and how their going to make a living or if they want a family to provide for and get married. People half to make important decisions everyday on what they want to do in the future or what they want to do as they get older and what age do they want to settle down and retire.
         Aniother thing that makes people human is by the decisions they want to make to choose whether to brake laws or go by them and raise a family. People who break laws choose to live a life of shame or try to make money by doing illigal thing like robbing houses or selling drugs. Others who choose to obey these laws and live by them usually live a good life and usually dont have alot of things to worry about like hiding from the cops and to live in a nice enviornment and try to set an example for younger kids. Other things that make us human is fighting. Us humans are violent and choose to fight wars over land and try to seek out more power all the time and will do anything to get it whether it comes to killing many people or killing inocent civilians just to have more power or more land. We fight with other countries over things that we dont really half to fight about and start wars between each other instead of making peace with all of the other countries and live in harmony, but in our world today in my opinion i dont think that will happen anytime soon. Everybody is human nobody isnt were not animals or savages were just human and us being human things can go very wrong but things can also go very right, there are classes of our race and that goes from popular people like actors and sports players or just million airs to middle class people that have decent homes and are walthy in some ways but then it goes to lower class people that dont have that much and can barely afford thing just so they can get by and the class after that are poeple that dont have any money left and arent able to supply themselves by doing things their not supposed to do or by just not learning from their mistakes in life and just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again throughout life.
In conclusion everybody is human and there are many things that makes us human by the way we talk or walk or act and by which rules we go by whether we choose to brake those rules and be chased by authority or to live by those rules and start something so they can live a normal life and maybe raise a family and set by example. We are all diffarent in one way or another and we all act diffarently and have diffarent personalities and thats what makes us human in many ways. We will all fight and we will make up and we will try to conquer land and half to kill other people to be able to do that but that is what makes us humans and that is how its always going to be as long as we live on this earth and choose to make a wide spread of decisions in life and that is what makes us all human in many diffarent ways.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A person looking for an object in the dark

There was a power outage in Alameda one late night and a kid named Adam was 10 at the time and it was his first blackout and he was a little bit scared. It was 12 in the morning and no one was home yet because his dad went to visit his grandma and his mom was working late.He was in the living room when the lights went out so the first thing he tried to do was go find his cell phone in his room so he can call his mom and ask what is going on.So When he got to his door he twisted the knob and it was cold from the metal and as he walked in it was pitch black he could not see one thing so e was going to half to use touch to be able to get to his phone so as he started to look around for it he first felt his bed that was cold and soft like no one had slept on it in days, another thing he felt was the lamp on his desk it was cold and hard and he remembered that when he got home from home he had put his phone on his desk so he has an idea where it is.
           He spent about 15 minutes trying to find his phone and he still couldnt find it so he had another idea to go into the kitchen and try to find a flash light or something that could help him find his phone. AS he made his way to the kitchen he used the wall as a guide to help him get to the kitchen and eventually he made it and the first thing he found was the fridge it was cold but slowly getting warmer since the power was out. Then as he w found the counter he heard a noise that came from the back yard he jumped and just starred at the door and as he looked at the handle it slowly started to turn as if everything started to move in slow motion and as it opened a gust of wind came in and a dark figure appeared in the door way Adam was scared and then the figure turned towards him and pointed a flash light at him and he then realized it was his mom coming home threw the back. He ran over and asked her what was going on and his mom said its just a blackout the power will come back on in a little bit and his mom went into a cabnet and pulled out a lantern where they sat at the table and just hung out until the power came back on. The power came back on about 20 minutes later and everything just went back to normal and Adam was able to tell his friends about his expierence when the power went out.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Response to steven montoya's my hopes for the raiders this Nfl season.

Im also a die hard raiders fan and they haven't done so good the past few years but i think this year they might do pretty good with them winning their first game but losing the second that they should have won  but i think they might be able to get it back against the jets. I think they can become total under dogs against the jets and surprise  them from the start and get a W. With Jason Campbell and Moore and Mcfadden they have a solid offense and when jakoby Ford comes back from being injured they will have a solid offense that can probably take them pretty far this year.
         We all know they have a good offense and a pretty good defense so they should be able to do better than last year and maybe get into the playoffs in they just keep playing like their playing right now they should do fine but they half to keep playing good or their season will go into the toilet if they let it go. The only problem they might have this year is starting out good and then doing bad in the second half. but they do have the best kicker in the NFL and alot of their games come down to the last play and with janakowski he has a very long range. So this year  i think the raiders will do good.

cell phones

If the world didn't have cell phones teens would be going crazy. Cellphones keep us up to date and allow us to contact people or have a conversation with them when were not any where near them. They also allow us to contact people in other states or countries. they allow us to contact family members to make sure were safe at any time and to contact the police or fire department in case of emergency at any time. cell phones allow teens to be able to plan things like when to hangout or it can also be used to set up dates with girls or be able to talk to your girlfriend or boyfriend when your not with them and want to talk to them.
        They also allow you to go on the internet when your not home and some get apps that can help you in everyday life like a Gps, or if you need to find a gas station they have apps that can locate the nearest gas station. Some also have the ability to have face time with people really far away. Phones also have the ability to let you watch TV shows when your not home or when you want to watch the game and your at work you have the ability to watch it instantly on your phone. they also allow you to play games when your bored or not doing anything important.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Highschool football star career ended at such short notice  

In this Current events post a highschool star Jacob Rainey  gets a horrific injury in a preseason game causing a part of his leg amputated. A juinor quarter back from Virginia a college prospect gets tackled from beihind in a preseason game and brakes his knee. He was rushed to the hospital and from his injury the doctors find out that he severed a main artery in his leg and was immediately taken to undergo severe surgery to stop any other injuries to his body. Doctors were faced to amputate one of his legs because of the severed artery and now is unable to play football ever again.
       A doctor said that he isnt the only football player that has faced a horrible accident like this and he probably wont be the last. But this just shows that your career in doing something you love and are really good at it can be ended with an injury that doesnt seem that bad at first but can go very wrong so do what you love for as long as you can and appreciate every moment your doing it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Response to thomas johnsons post about MW3

Tj I play Black ops with you alot and from all of your info on the newest game i think it will probably be one of the best games they have made through out all of the years they've been making games. Also i think they have one of the best guns in the game from all of the guns in previous games like Mw2 and Black ops. I cant wait unti lthe game comes out and when it does im going to try and be one of the first people to get it. although im still debating whether i should get it for Ps3 or xbox i will have the answer soon. It started from Cod 4 Mw and then to Mw2 and now Mw3 and if you have noticed the best games were made by activision and the not so great ones by trey arch. But this time i think activision will put trey arch in the dust with the newest call of duty.
      With a great story line in each of the games i think this one will be the best because of the continueing of Mw2 with the russians and alll of the special missions. I also will like to play spec ops again and play all of those missions. Another thing that should be cool about the game are the maps. with new maps they should be better but there will probably be ones we all hate and ones we all love just like always. also from all of the guns you have named they are bringing back the best from the diffarent games and making them look alot diffarent then before and hopefully some of the ones that were weak before they are musch stronger and accurate. Another thing is i hope they bring back quick scoping because that is one of the biggest reasons people play the games and why they are in love with them. i would also like to see what new map packs they come out with this time.


Music is probably one of my favorite things on earth because i listen to it everyday and i dont know what i would do if there was no music in the world. my favorite style of music is rap and R&B. My favorite artists are Wiz Khalifa,Mac Miller,LiL Wayne,Big Sean, and many more. If there was no music in the world i think alot of people would go crazy. without music the world would be plain and not exciting. without music there would be no ipods or mp3 players because without out music there is basicly no use for them and those people who got rich off of making them wouldnt be rich.
        In my opinion music is probably one of the best thingsd in this world and without it i dont know what would happen and how it would effect people. 144 Without music all of the most famous artists wouldnt be famous or heard of. There are all types of music and everybody likes diffarent kinds and thats why music is so important because there are many diffarent types of music and thats why so many poeple like it. All the types of music are
folk Music
With all of those diffarent types if those were all gone the world would be alot diffarent.

Friday, September 9, 2011

reflecting on what happened 10 years ago when it happened it put a big shock into our heads thinking what is going on. But coming up on sunday we all remember all of those people who were lost in the attack and those that were seriously injured. And we have a memorial remembering the event and how it happened. I think that 9/11 changed our world by security getting more strict and just how people will always remember it and will never forget it as long as they live.
      Ever since we were attacked we have been in the hnt for the leader of the terroists that had done this devistating thing to our country and we wont stop until he is found and penalized or killed. This incident will be remembered threw generarions and i dont think it will ever be forgotten in this world today. Kids in the future will open their text books for history and it will be remembered and they will have lessons and tests on what happened that day.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

500 words introducing myself

Hello my name is Trevor Greenley and i like to do many thing like to play many sports like baseball and football and do some of the hobbies i do everyday with friends and family, i also like to try to go on as many adventures as i can like going to diffrent countries or just finding new places in Alameda to hangout at. Some of the things i like about playing baseball is hitting the ball as far as i can. Another thing i like about baseball is having the satisfaction of winning and making the other team know that my team is really good and wont quit until we get a win no matter what happens. One thing i love about football is putting on the hit stick and putting people on their backs. Another thing i like to do in football is put fear into the other players to make them scared to run the ball or catch the ball in the middle and just having me there for them to know im going to hit them ounce they get the ball. Some of my hobbies are hanging out with my friends and finding cool places to hangout that people wont really find. I also like to go hangout with friends on park street and walk around and see if we can find people we know that we could also hangout with. another hobbies is to get pick up games of football and baseball and just go play at the park until we get bored. An Adventure i'd like to go on is to travel around the world ending in Hawaii and relaxing on the beach.
            An adventure that i have gone on is going to japan and going around looking at some of the most important places in japan like a Buddhist temple and old castles that some of the leaders of japan had ounce used for their armies to defend japan and its people, and also ninja houses where ninja would hide out from the samurai and fight them off if they had to to give right to the people that were being treated unfairly. Some of my artistic endeavors are drawing graffiti and trying to draw thing that may look challenging but end up being easy and having the drawing come out better then it orignally looked or sometimes worse. My educational history isn't so good like in middle school and elementary school i liked to fool around and talk to my friends and not pay attention to the teacher also i wasn't good at studying or getting good grades on test espically math and science. Grade wise they haven't been as good as they could have been but right now that's a work in progress with starting off a new year. And this year i'm going to try to make it the best year i have ever had in school academic wise and sports wise.I think this year will be a better year for me because its a nice clean and fresh start and im going to try to make it a good year no matter what i half to do whether its a lot of homework or having to study when im tierd. these are 500 words that introduce myself.