Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RP to nick collins post dream deferred


In this post of nicks he talks about a dream being crushed from bad grades. By that it reminded him that you half to get good grades to be able to do the things you love and in this one it was football for him. But last year i to had the same with grades where i had to low of a gpa making me unable to play baseball last year. From what happened last year it taught me that next year i half to set things right with my grades and doing my homework every night. And it destroyed my dream and all the hard work from the past few years of playing high school baseball. What happened last year scarred me for life and i never want to go back to what happened last year and i want to be able to play this year. And this year if i play baseball i plan to make it one of my best year and my main goal is to get moved up t var and if that happens i will be satisfied with what ive done.
       This year i have set my goal to get a 3.0 and if i can get that i would be really happy. Or just to be able to play baseball this year will make me happy. Baseball is my favorite sport right there next to football and not being able to play last year crushed me and as a lesson in life i think i learned that lesson about getting good grades. And from that i hope people dont make the same decision i did last year. And that people make sure their grades are good so they can be able to do the things they love like sports or just getting into a college. And doing the things you love to do makes life feel alot better.

Monday, October 24, 2011

debris from the japan tsunami


        On this current events post i decided to talk about debris from the japan tsunami heading towards the U.S from the current of the ocean. This Tsunami killed alot of people and devistated the world when we heard of it and it was one of the biggest natural disasters in U.S history. This tsunami killed many people in japan and destroyed many houses and buildings in japan and mostly destroyed farm lands. And now almost a year later debris is still out on the ocean reminding us of what happened a couple months ago. Boats,wood,rope, and tops of houses are showing up in the water that ships are finding and photographing.
      People in japan are still trying to fix what the tsunami destroyed and are still heavily effected by what happened espically about the nucleur  plant and how the tsunami almost caused an even bigger disaster. But luckly they were able to fix the nucleur plant and good thing that they did because if they didnt a lot of things could have went wrong and could of killed many people in the area and maybe all over the world.many things have been efected from the tsunami like car dealerships and sushi and other things but japan is working hard to get all of that stuff fixed and soon everything should go back to normal or at least i hope it does. An my prayers go out to all of the famailies that lost loved ones and houses n the tsunami and i hope everything get better snd their able to fix what happened a few months ago.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Response post to trevor bergman

I don't no what I will be- I found this quote in Trevor Bregmans blog and the one thing about halloween is trying to figure out what you want to be and there is a wide veriety of things you can be. Halloween is most famous for you being able to dress up in a costume and be able to go around knocking on peoples doors and getting free candy. Getting free candy is the main reason people do things on halloween and if you didnt get free candy i dont think alot of people would still celebrate halloween. Going around a getting free candy sounds like its one of the best things to do ever and thats why people still do it and tats why people will continue to do it for as long as they can. 
       It doesnt really matter how old your are because there is no age limit to halloween and sometimes ill see dads dressed up for fun but mostly its for the little kids because to the little kids its a lot more fun to them then it is to us. Every year people find new costumes to dress up in and one of the most fun things to do is to find a new costume whether you want it to be scary looking or funny looking or just plain you can do whatever you want to do. I would half to say one of the biggest things about halloween is finding out who got the most candy out of all the people you went with and who got the best candies. To me i always wanted the most candy and the best ones too so i would trade people and we would count them up to see who got the most.


Sleep to me is the most relaxing thing ever. To me Sleeping makes everything better. When your stressed usually sleep can help you forget about things or just relax and think of other things.Sleep makes me feel good and when i wake up i feel refreshed and ready for whats next. Usualy when i havent got enough sleep i tend to fall asleep in class or right when i get home from school. Sometimes i just dont get enough sleep and i just feel like doing nothing besides sleep. To me if i dont get enough sleep i can be pissed off very easily and im usualy not in a good mood because i didnt get enough sleep.
           I think everybody needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day because then i feel people dont get enough sleep and it can effect them during the day whether their just to tierd to do things or dont have the energy to do what they want to do and i know if i dont get enough sleep all i feel like doing is sleeping or just relaxing. One thing i dont get is how people can stay up really late then wake up early the next morning. I cant to that at all because if i wake up really early all im going to want to do is sleep the whole time.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Raider Game this sunday


This sunday the raiders play the browns and i really think the raiders are just going to kill them and so far with the raiders start this year they are probably going to have one of their best seasons in along time. With Mcfadden running the ball and getting better and better each year he is bound to become one of the best running backs in the league. The Raidders are my favorite team in football and it wouldnt make me happier then to see them go to the playoffs for the first time in a while and get a chance to get another ring. The past years the Raiders have been losing it but this year its time for them to get it back and i wouldnt pick a better year for the raiders to do really good. If the raiders keep playing like they have been the last couple games they should have a good year in terms of their season and i have alt of faith in them to win this upcoming game against the browns.
         When the raiders beat the jets i was juiced because i didnt think the raiders were going to be able to pull it off against one of the best teams in the NFL but they did and the played a really good game and ended out with a victory. From the browns on the raiders have a good schedule and they can win alot of those games but all they half to do is keep playing like their playing and they should have a great record this year in terms of standings and hopefully they can get into the payoffs and have a big chance at getting another ring.

RP to To thomas johnsons post assassins creed revelation


Tj I completely agree with you that it is one of the best game franchises out there right now and that if you havent played the first ones then you should get those before you get the new one because the story behind the game is very complicated to follow and you can get very confused but if you play from the very beginning and follow the story line carefully and if you do it will make the game a lot more fun. Assassins creed is probably one of the most fun games ever made and one of the best things about it is that it lets you do free roam and you can basicly do what ever you want to, there are no limits to what you can do and theres not alot of things that you cant do.
          Some people may not think this game is going to be fun but their wrong because if you actualy sat down to play it you would instantly get interested in it and want to play it more and more and then soon when you beat it you cant wait for the next one to come out. And from he last one Brotherhood that allowed to play online with other people who knows how much better this one is going to be with a story line base and the online. If the online is good on this one people are going to just be waiting for the next one to come out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


football is one of the most spectated sports in the world and in my opinion it is the funnest sport out there. Football is an interesting sport and when your playing in a game it can be one of the most fun things you have ever done in your whole life. To me football is the most entertaining and fun sport out of all of the sports. But you cant just watch football and understand how fun it is you half to play it to find how much fun it is. Although practice sometimes isn't fun and very tiering but ounce you play in the game everything changes because you're playing people you don't care for them so you just try to hurt them as much as possible.
    To me football is even fun to watch and espicaly playing madden makes it even more fun.
football is an interesting sport by how the plays are ran. The main thing i like about football is tackling people because when you hit someone hard you fell energized and fired up and ready for more. But the only thing that is bad is that you can get injured really easily so during the season you half to stay healthy and to be strong in your legs because football is mainly all about legs and you half to be careful not to get injured or get hit hard by the other team.